Idrott i ett förändrat Europa

Denna vecka har varit fullspäckad i Malmö med mer än 50 internationella studenter och akademiker som har diskuterat och granskat inkludering inom idrotten. Det finns många olika perspektiv och tankesätt när det kommer till idrotten i Europa och några av dessa kommer du få tal del av i inlägget.

Sport Management Game Sportidealisten Idrottsvetare EASM SportJobb
(Missade du förra veckans inlägg? Ingen fara, du hittar den här: Sport Management Game)


Inför årets Sport Management konferens har jag (Jakob) som rollen Student Representant i EASMs styrelse skapat en plattform och klubb för framtidens Sport Management studenter. Några studenter har fått uppdrag av mig att skriva om sina upplevelser och så här sa några studenter som deltar på the Student Seminar 2018:
“Something that I reflected on about EASM and the EASM Conference and the Seminars is the theme. While I find that e.g. children’s integration in sport is not a common issue in Russia, facility problems were and still are a much bigger problem as well as lack of professional staff. Sport is becoming more globalized, and almost every person has sport in their life.” – Maria
“I expect to meet a lot of new people who got a vision on the role of sports in our societies. It might be great to see where similarities can strengthen each other but also the differences in how societies integrate sport throughout the world.” – Mart
Studenterna har besökt Malmö FF och fått lära sig om hur de arbetar med inkludering. Så här var en av studenternas upplevelse:
“Exciting start to the conference! It has been a busy first day. Visiting Malmö FF to hear about their community projects, education campaign against racism followed by lectures about inclusion activities in Swedish sports and race in sports offered a good platform for settling into to the topic of the conference. We listened to a presentation about the Malmö FF’s education campaign (the campaign against racism). It was very interesting to get introduced to the methods and the idea of the club campaign. This sure will be helpful for the group work and it’s a good insight and practical experience we will take with us for today. Furthermore we visited the club museum and got on the pitch. As passionate football fans this field trip was definitely the highlight of the day. We learned about the way a club can promote education and children’s rights and get knowledge about a successful traditional Swedish football club.” – Vitaly
Avslutningsvis har vi även doktorander på plats för PhD Student Seminar och där har Jackie bland annat skrivit om följande:
“During the parallel sessions we had a good balance between theoretical and practical discussions. It was very motivating to learn from the fellow PhD students who are also undertaking PhD projects and get to know how they deal with their research challenges. I’m sure that we will take with us many positive lessons from these intense two days, and of course, we will leave #EASM with many new friends and maybe future collaborators.”
Vill du veta mer om vad som händer under EASM konferensen så kan du följa den här. Nu är det fullt upp i skrivande stund och hittills känner jag att alla är nöjda, att många har lärt sig mycket och att idrotten är mer exkluderande än vad vi tror.

Om du gillar detta eller vill veta mera så är följande inlägg på liknande tema:

Hållbar utveckling
Kunskapen om inkludering
EASM, Utveckling inom Sport Management

På återseende med mer lärdomar som ökar din kreativitet inom sportens värld.