Unlocking hidden sports job opportunities: The Side door strategy for getting a job in the sports industry

In the sports industry, getting noticed can be a lot like finding the right entrance into a stadium. There’s the main gate, where everyone lines up, and then there’s the side entrance—less obvious, but a lot less crowded. Here’s how this applies to breaking through in your career and getting that job in sports.

The Main Gate (What Everyone Does)

In sports, just like any other industry, most people follow the well-worn path. Take job applications: 96%+ of candidates use job boards like Indeed, LinkedIn, or Monster to mass-apply to positions with the click of a button.

This approach can work, but it’s also where the competition is fiercest. Since everyone is funneling through the same process, it’s hard to stand out.

The Side Entrance

The side entrance is all about finding ways to get noticed that most people overlook. It’s not the easiest route—it requires effort and creativity—but it offers a significant advantage because you’re not competing with the crowd.

These “side doors” are unconventional and hidden, but they’re effective when discovered. Here are some strategies that can help you get ahead in sports and beyond:

Examples of Side Doors

🏃 Finding a Job in Sports

  • The Main Gate: Applying to hundreds of job postings through LinkedIn or Indeed.
  • The Side Entrance: Instead of submitting a generic resume, reach out directly to the recruiter or hiring manager with a customized message. Better yet, send them a sports-specific work sample that shows how you can already do the job. For example, if you’re targeting a marketing role, create a mini social media campaign for a recent sports event. This proactive approach can make you a standout candidate.

🤝 Building a Network and Personal Brand

  • The Main Gate: Attending networking events and adding people on LinkedIn.
  • The Side Entrance: Connect directly with key figures in the sports industry through cold outreach. Interview them for a blog post or podcast, then share their insights on social media. Alternatively, organize an online forum for people in the sports world to discuss trends and challenges, which can position you as a connector in the industry.

🏆 Earning a Promotion or Pay Raise

  • The Main Gate: Waiting for annual reviews to get noticed for a promotion.
  • The Side Entrance: Actively seek out senior staff who influence compensation decisions. Keep them updated on your contributions and achievements. Set your own targets and showcase your progress to those who can help you advance.

A Final Thought

Don’t abandon the main gate altogether; it’s a popular route for a reason. But if you combine the usual path with these creative side entrances, you’ll significantly improve your chances of success. In the sports world, just like in a game, sometimes it’s the unexpected play that wins.

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