During the summer, the activities in a sports club are usually quieter than at other times of the year. It can then be a good time to make the following 4 things in order to become a smart and effective sports club. Therefore, here are 4 tips on what you can do during the summer.
Build and set up your upcoming semester in your administration system. First of all, what does your sports club look like? Which members should be in which group? Do you have enough coaches or is it necessary to recruit new ones? If you are going to open any training groups or events for the autumn, it is high time to create these setups already now. Make sure there are links or buttons to click in order to register for the new semester. Also remember to notify your members of all information well in advance of the start of the semester.
Review your governing documents and policies. Does something need to be revised or do you lack an action plan? If there is any period of the year when you can focus and make great documents and policies for internal and external uses, then the summer is the time to develop these and then implement them before the start of the autumn semester. Here you will find tips on how your sports clubs can develop a crisis plan from Riksidrottsförbundet. If you use digital tools such as Dropbox or Google drive, Trello or have documents saved on your computer, it can be useful to go through existing files to remove outdated documents or add new ones. It may also be relevant to clear your membership register so that old members are not lying around in the system.
Plan for upcoming events. Do you have a lecture, workshop, kick off, project or event to organize for autumn/winter? Start planning already during the summer months and you will have the work more evenly distributed and will not have to sit with everything at the same time at the start of the semester. This will save you more time and money than you think. Make sure to involve at least one to three more people in order to more people engaged and aware about upcoming plans.
Focus on skill development within the sports club. Perhaps some of our previous reading tips might be of interest to you? Learn more here.
Bonus – do more with less
Do you in the sports club need help to make these things happen, or perhaps need help implementing new projects and tasks for the autumn? Then you can contact us to find out how we can help you on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. We help sports clubs become smarter by working smarter. Maybe you and your colleagues need some vacation but are stressed out that the sports club will be standing still? No worries, we can do the work while you rest this summer! Contact us to learn more.

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