One of the things that will change the workforce in 5 years is “Remotopia”. It is all about working from home. Less than 5% of workers did their jobs remotely before 2020. Now, more than half of knowledge workers work remotely. Even though remote working arrangements are new to many sports clubs and workers, a lot of them have understood that they need to think and collaborate in different ways than before. In this article, we go through the concept of Remotopia, the benefits for an employer, the trends for the labor market and the hottest jobs right now.
At The World Economic Forum’s inaugural Pioneers of Change Summit where innovative leaders and entrepreneurs from around the world showcase their solutions, build meaningful connections and inspire change across the Forum’s diverse multistakeholder communities, four things were mentioned as changes of how we work in 5 years. One of these is “Remotopia”.
“Remotopia”: work from home
At the outset of 2020, less than 5% of workers did their jobs remotely. Now, more than half of knowledge workers work remotely.
In the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a number of high-profile companies – Facebook, Google, PayPal, Shopify, Siemens, and more – have announced long-term or permanent remote work policies. But many in the sports industry have taken these steps towards a remote working environment too.
Remote working arrangements, which are new to many companies, sports clubs and workers, require vastly different ways of thinking and collaborating. For example, the emerging normalcy of distributed workforces will place even greater importance on soft skills such as communication, relatability, empathy, and flexibility. Even though the start of the pandemic had a big negative hit on the sports clubs all over the world, the majority have adapted to the digital setup and started to understand that they can work on a remote setup too.
The benefits of remotopia
Studies show that remote employees work longer hours and are more productive than in-office counterparts. Both workers and employers alike must learn to balance those gains with increased likelihood of burnout and feelings of isolation. Additionally, recruiting for knowledge workers can expand to new geographies and include previously underrepresented populations like disabled or chronically ill workers. These changing dynamics will move to the HR forefront in the years to come. Today you don’t need to find your next hire in your sports local area, you can actually find the right candidate living in another city!
Looking at today’s working environment most sports clubs have understood that they can complete more tasks remotely and have understood that this opens up new opportunities for the sports industry’s working force. As an HR manager, you can now hire and find more qualified candidates with the setup of a remote working environment. Also, you don’t have to consider the sports office as it was prior to the pandemic. Today the sports offices will be enough with space for some working areas, meanwhile, we will see more jobs being held on a remote basis. This means, fewer costs at the office and less time spent on travel, and more qualified time for work.

Remote jobs and skills in focus 2021
LinkedIn analyzed job trends in 15 countries around the world for its annual Jobs on the Rise report. The hottest jobs for 2021 can all be done remotely, according to work trends – meaning that people with strong digital skills will have a significant advantage in the jobs market. If you’re in the market for a new role, and you have the right skills for a position in e-commerce, healthcare, or digital content, you’re in luck: they’re all on the list of LinkedIn’s predictions for the hottest jobs of 2021.
The labor market will become more democratized since there are more opportunities for employees who may not be based in major urban hubs and this will open up access to fresh talent for employers. However, the key will not only be about bringing new great talents into your staff, but you also need to be prepared for how to introduce the new remote employees and sharing your culture and how things work in your sports club.
One step to consider when hiring your next remote employee is to assess your own team according to soft skills such as communication, relatability, empathy, and flexibility. If you feel that you are in need of strengthening these skills you could take the opportunity to upskill yourself and your team via all the great online education that you can find here.
If you’re in the market for a new role, and you have the right skills for a position in e-commerce, healthcare, or digital content, you’re in luck: they’re all on the list of LinkedIn’s predictions for the hottest jobs of 2021.
Jobs on the Rise report
Is your sports club ready for remotopia?
One of the things that will change the workforce in 5 years is “Remotopia”, which was mentioned at The World Economic Forum’s inaugural Pioneers of Change Summit where innovative leaders and entrepreneurs from around the world showcase their solutions, build meaningful connections and inspire change across the Forum’s diverse multistakeholder communities. Less than 5% of workers did their jobs remotely before 2020. Now, more than half of knowledge workers work remotely.
Even though remote working arrangements are new to many sports clubs and workers, a lot of them have understood that they need to think and collaborate in different ways than before. Skills to manage in 2021 and forward will be of greater importance on soft skills such as communication, relatability, empathy, and flexibility. Even though the start of the pandemic had a big negative hit on the sports clubs all over the world, the majority have adapted to the digital setup and started to understand that they can work remotely too.
The hottest jobs for 2021 can all be done remotely with employees who have strong digital skills. Positions in e-commerce, healthcare, or digital content, will be the hottest jobs of 2021. If you are looking for a job in sports, make sure to develop your skills today.
If you are an employer then hiring a remote worker could enable you to hire the best candidate available despite their location. This also provides opportunities to find talents with great digital skills that could help your sports club to be ready for the coming 5 years.
Find great people with a remote job
If you need help finding your next hire and want help finding a great future employee no matter if it is remote or not, Sportidealisten can help you. We know that finding the best candidates and sports job isn’t as easy as in many other industries and it takes a lot of time. That is why we are changing this, a niched platform where you can only find candidates and jobs from the sports industry.
Do you want to recruit in a smart way? Are you part of a growing sports organization and want to be part of our platform? We have daily new sports job seekers. Join today by posting a sports job free of charge.
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