sports career coaching,career coaching,Contribute to Sportidealisten

Contribute to Sportidealisten

Share sports career coaching

Are you passionate about helping others succeed in their careers and sports job search? Do you have a great career tactic or piece of advice that you want to share with hundreds of thousands of sports professionals?

At Sportidealisten, we’re always looking for career experts who genuinely want to help other sports job seekers or sports professionals, and also want to solidify their reputation as professionals in a related field (e.g. recruitment, human resources or career coaching).

What you’ll get:

  • Exposure to job seeking and ambitious readers; your article will be shared with our readers and on social platforms
  • Each author can link to their social profiles! Build a relationship with your fans!

Here’s what we’re looking for:

  • Advice from career experts; specifically, you must have experience with recruitment, sports job search, careers or other experiences from the sports industry.
  • Articles with unique, original ideas. Instead of an article on a generic topic like “How to Get a Job”, we prefer article ideas like “How to use LinkedIn to get a job” or “How to network virtually to get a job” or “How to find a sports job from volunteering”, etc.
  • Actionable articles and tactics that readers can use. Avoid vague, fluffy advice that our readers can’t take action on! e.g. “Be confident!”
  • Writing in a conversational tone; we don’t like articles that sound robotic.

Here’s what we don’t want:

  • Promotional content; if you’re looking to promote your product, brand or service, we’re not a good fit for you.
  • Unnatural inline links; While we’ll include a link to your company or who you are in the bio section (at the end of the article), we won’t be able to accept guest posts if you’re looking to promote specific tools/services (even subtly).
  • Content that already exists somewhere else on the web
  • Basic content, e.g. ‘Best Tips for Network!’.
  • Anything that doesn’t fall into career or sports job search topics

Some topics we love: Read our blog to see the kind of topics we write about. Here are some examples:

How to get started to contribute to Sportidealisten

We, unfortunately, can’t respond to every request, but we’ll typically be in touch within a week if we want to hear more.

Here’s what you need to do.

Email with the subject line “Sportidealisten contribution: [Article Idea]” with the following information:

  • About you: Who are you and why you’re the right fit to write this
  • Title: What’s the title of your article?
  • Introduction: Write a sample introduction that’s no more than 5-6 sentences. Please do not send us a full draft of your article!
  • Article outline: Give us a high-level overview of what you would include!
  • Previous samples: Send us samples of any previous writing you have.
  • LinkedIn profile: Send us a link to your LinkedIn profile so we can confirm who you are!

We look forward to hearing from you!